The Scoping Accuracy Report is one of the core reports available in Parakeeto’s Optimize Phase. It’s important to note that scoping accuracy reports cannot be accessed outside of an Optimize engagement with Parakeeto.

The Scoping Accuracy & ABR report outputs three main insights:

  1. It allows you to see planned hours vs actual hours for recurring and non-recurring projects (as seen below):


  1. It allows you to compare Average Billable Rates (ABR), derived from AGI on projects compared to the total amount of hours logged (as seen below):


Each of these tables can be grouped by product, service line, project or client.

  1. The Scoping Accuracy & ABR Report also delivers on agency-wide ABR, but it does so only considering projects that are “completed” (and not projects that are ‘pending’ or ‘active’).


ℹ️ For more information on your Scoping Accuracy Report, refer to this tutorial or contact your Parakeeto Account Manager.