The Payroll Grid is a living spreadsheet that stores information about your team and their respective roles. It should capture all of your employees, including those that do not perform work directly on client projects.
The Payroll Grid includes information about those employees such as compensation, start dates, termination dates (if applicable), names, roles, department/team allocation, delivery hours targets, work days per week, work hours per week, paid time off, and standard rate.
We use this document across the Audit, Predict, and Optimize engagements to model the capacity and cost of your team for a given period of time. It is one of the 4 main inputs for our reporting framework and the Optimize reporting system.
*Note: Freelancers/contractors may also need to be included in the Payroll Grid. There are a number of factors that determine whether or not they should be modeled, there, most of which are worked through in the Predict phase. For example, if a contractor is paid a flat monthly rate for a certain amount of capacity, and performs work on your agencie’s ‘core services’ it’s likely they should be included in your Payroll Grid.
For more information on how freelancers, contractors and other forms of external labor impact the Payroll Grid, you can reference this thread.*
**ℹ️** If you have any other questions on the topic, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Parakeeto Account Manager so they’re able to give you the clarity you need!